Over the first twenty years of my life, I am pretty sure my mom and grandma showed me how to crochet probably half a dozen times. It was something I really wanted to do, but just never stuck until I had my first job after college. Part of my Retreat Coordinator duties at a YMCA camp in the Poconos was waiting in the front office for hours every Friday night while groups checked it. It gave me dedicated time every week to focus on learning and developing the muscle memory to seal it in as a skill. My first project was an afghan that ended up a trapezoid.
From there, I made hats and cowls, baby sweaters and more blankets (that were actual squares or rectangles). I even made up a pattern for a bacon scarf. I never felt the need to learn to knit until I came across Rebecca Danger's monster patterns--specifically her Daphne and Delilah momma and baby monster pattern (the momma has a pocket for the baby!). I just had to make my own. While the pattern is pretty much all stockinette, it also has more intermediate skills than a typical beginner pattern, like knitting in the round, magic loop, picking up stitches (for that cute pocket), and the kitchner stitch. It took some time, and several re-starts, but eventually I got it all figured out. From there, my knitting took off. Initially I made a lot more monsters, but have added in a robot, a yeti, dogs, three narwhals of varying sizes, and most recently two of Rebecca Danger's three dinosaur patterns (Sherman, the Square Dancing Stegosaurus and Terrence, the Tap-Dancing T-Rex). This weekend I cast on Basil, the Boogie-Woogie Brontosaurus, and I cannot tell you how excited I am for this dino! I'm using Berroco Comfort in five solid colors held with a multicolor skein for the body. Since I'm holding the yarn double, I'm using US Size 10 needles, which means this guy is going to be BIG. I'm keeping the stripes in the pattern as written, but alternating between the five solid colors for more of a rainbow effect rather than using two colors as the pattern samples show. I'm planning to make the head and the feet all solid colors so we'll see how it goes! Overall, it's going to be a really fun and different knit after the sweaters I was more focused on last year. Basil is an upcoming class (March 15th at 10:30am) if you're looking to change up your knitting routine, learn new skills, or make a fun gift for a special kid in your life. We'll be learning the basics of knit toys, knitting in the round, jogless stripes, working a gusset, and using a whipstitch to attach the legs. The Artful Yarn has several great yarns available use for this project (including one that will stripe for you if you'd rather not alternate colors!) You'll want to check out West Yorkshire Spinners' Bo Peep DK yarn. And I'll be sure to bring Basil into the shop once he's finished! Looking forward to seeing you in our class in March! You can register by clicking this link! See you there, Erin We did it! Over the past 2 weeks we repainted, got new carpet and created an awesome update to our shop with more yarn and tons of other goodies! Moving everything back-in is sort of like returning from vacation - we still have some things to do, but we're open and looking forward to seeing you and all our yarny friends soon! #Yay #GlowUp #LYS #NewLook #WeLoveYarn
Last week: Getting ready for the painters! Fresh paint makes a world of difference, don't you think?! This week: New carpet! We've needed this for years! Where did all the furniture and cubbies go? Everything is loaded into the classroom and back-room. This week, we're bringing everything back out so that we can get those two spaces carpeted. And then we're on to . . . . well, you'll just have to wait and see! #TheArtfulYarn #GlowUp2025
We're taking 2 weeks to remodel The Artful Yarn! From January 12 through January 27, we'll be getting new paint, new carpet and you just don't know what other cool stuff we'll be up to!
Here's what you can expect: >While we're closed, call us during our normal business hours to talk with one of our staff about questions and to schedule free in-person one-on-one-time for personal help on any projects. >Join us for one of our free our group help sessions scheduled at the Chagrin Falls Public Library. Check our calendar for days & times. >Join our free online class for our newest project, The Snuggle is Real. Check out our calendar for those Zoom days and times. Kits are available for purchase online or come into the shop before January 11 to pull together your own kit. Zoom link posted now for January 13th kick-off. We'll keep everyone up-to-date via email, social media and our website to share our progress and announce The Big Reveal. -Tiffany Perry, shop owner It’s the start of a new year, a time when many resolve to make changes and improvements in their lives. I gave up making bold, unrealistic New Year’s resolutions a long time ago, opting instead to focus on steady, day to day behaviors, and committing to being more intentional in each moment that arises. That approach has flowed naturally into my knitting.
I’ve never been the grand gestures type, especially when it comes to my own abilities, preferring to stay in my own (slow) lane. Baby steps and incremental improvements have always kept me grounded. The slow-and-steady approach has always worked best for me. For some, the stretch of a new challenge is exciting and inspirational, even heady. It has always been overwhelming and counterproductive for me. I never imagined what an affect our little community would have on my practice. Being in the presence of so many talented and creative people has been a real gift. Nothing makes me happier than sitting in The Loop with our customers and friends (and there are many who are both), working on our projects, chatting about big stuff and little stuff, learning from each other about much more than how to do a yarn over or cabling or a slip slip knit. I’m not exaggerating when I say that it is as refreshing and replenishing as therapy. The support and encouragement I experience at The Artful Yarn has given me a bit more courage to spread my knitting wings. Favorite yarn in the shop: Emma’s Practically Perfect Sock yarn for January. The softest, sweetest color ever. Favorite non-yarn item in the shop: Emma Ball’s delightful sheep in sweaters stitch markers. What I’m looking forward to: Visiting our son Andrew in the Lake Worth Florida Community Theatre’s production of “The Sound of Music”. He is playing Captain Von Trapp and singing the much-loved song “Edelweiss”, which my mother used to sing to him and his sister when they were little. -Linda Schaefer During this season of light, we wish you, your family and friends a wonderful holiday and a happy, healthy New Year! Our blog will publish again beginning in January.
Enjoy the Journey: A Knitter's Tale of Chickens and Joy
In my last blog post, I talked about the importance of gauge—this time- I am all about enjoying the journey! Sometimes, we get so focused on the finish line, we forget that the process is just as important. One of my recent projects perfectly embodies this idea: the Emotional Support Chicken. It all started earlier this year when I stumbled across this quirky pattern. Then, while reorganizing my yarn stash, I found a gift of yarn that seemed destined to be a chicken. With a little more digging, I gathered all the contrasting colors I needed and was ready to cast on. There’s something magical about the beginning of a new project: reading through a new pattern, finding an empty project bag, gathering notions, and winding the yarn. It’s a ritual that, for me, is as exciting as the finished project itself. On the first day of a new project, I often end up knitting late into the night, and this chicken was no exception! I finished that first one faster than I expected—because when you’re having fun, time flies. The pattern itself is a little quirky. It uses "Steps" instead of "Rows" (something I hadn’t encountered before), and after joining the two tail pieces, the rest of the chicken is shaped with a wrap-and-turn method. But don’t let that intimidate you. The garter stitch fabric makes picking up wraps unnecessary, so the shaping is easy, even if you’ve never used this technique before. As each section came together, I couldn’t help but feel that satisfying momentum. The head started taking shape, the beak was added, and suddenly, it looked like a chicken. Then came the eyes—and I’ll admit, I couldn’t contain my joy. I laughed out loud, purely because of how adorable it had become. The joy didn’t stop there. After knitting the base, waddle, and crown, I sewed everything together and added the stuffing. The result? An emotional support chicken, ready for all the love and squeezes in the world—a reminder that, sometimes, the comfort we need is soft, squishy, and handmade. Inspired by how much fun I was having, I made a second chicken as a shop sample. Then I decided to make one for each of my siblings. By the time you read this, I’ll be on my fifth chicken, with just one more to go before Christmas. I’m loving the process—especially choosing the yarn colors. Malabrigo Rios has been a dream for this project, with so many beautiful shades to choose from. As I near the end of this chicken-making adventure, I’m reminded that the journey—whether through knitting or life—is what truly makes the experience meaningful. Sure, we all want to finish our projects, but isn’t the joy of creating, learning, and laughing along the way what really matters? Knit Artfully, Jennifer Favorite yarn in the shop right now: Definitely Malabrigo Rios, the color options are endless, and the yarn is such a joy to knit with. Favorite un-yarn: Any empty project bag, there are so many options in the shop right now. Outside the shop: I’m finally getting a chance to visit my daughters overseas. We’ll be gathering in Paris, France, to ring in the new year, and then heading south to Granada, Spain, to see the Alhambra. I’ll attempt to take photos of the sights, but truth is, I'm a much better knitter than photographer. This is asked of me time and time again. I think a better question would be, Why does sock knitting bring you joy? Let me tell you my personal reasons.
To begin with, socks are very portable so I can have knitting with me at all times. Not only does this keep projects moving along, but when I am knitting it calms me. (Crochet can be substituted for knitting if that suits you!) I am not good at meditation. If I am thinking k2, p2 I feel I can get to the same spot. Socks are small so I feel accomplished every time I finish a pair or even just a sock. Of course you must do the second sock!! As a sock knitter, I can custom fit each sock to the person I am making it for. Which heel works best, or do I need to make a special toe? And- the length of the sock is perfect. Love that negative ease! Also, the length of the leg can be made to the preference of the recipient. I learn so many techniques while knitting socks. Everything you learn while knitting a sock can be used in the making of a sweater, shawl, cowl, etc. If you make a mistake, you only have to rip out a bit. So less tears! This also keeps your interest up. Do you like lace work? There is a sock for that! Do you like stranded knitting? There is a sock for that! You name it and a pattern can be found or created. But, the very best part is the joy it brings to the people you give the socks to. I know they are not just being kind because I always get requests for more socks! So are sock knitters the happiest people you know? Well maybe not all, but probably most! Just drop by a sock social sometime and see if that’s not true! -Randi Favorite yarn in the shop right now: Spun Right Sock Yarn- Trunk show this Saturday December 7 Favorite “Unyarn”: Sock Ruler Outside of the shop: I love to play pinball. Interested? I can tell you the best places to go! Most Recent Blog Post from Christine Weiss
I am one of those people that always wants just a few more hours in the day to just sit with my yarn and needles and hooks and dwell in the world of knitting and crocheting. Well, I got it- 6 solid weeks of time after a knee injury proved unexpectedly complicated and needed to heal without being much disturbed. So now I am sick of all things yarn. OK, that is not true. But having all this time to knit and crochet comes at the price of everything else I typically attend to and very much enjoy and that pretty much stinks. But enough whining. I am close to being able to walk again, and I am very grateful that this ailment is a temporary one. I get it, I do! So with all the time I am spending knitting and crocheting, I am also watching a lot of YouTube and House MD. I have had particular fun watching the Antiques Roadshow Celebrity Edition. This is a solidly British show that has made me excited about going antiquing when I can drive again (look out Jennifer, I will recruit you to come along). One episode drew my attention to a region in Scotland called Carbeth. Watching, I recalled a pattern that I love and many of you will know, called the Carbeth Cardigan. I had assumed the pattern was named after a person. However, I went down the rabbit hole that is the internet and found that the designer Kate Davies is Scottish and likely took the name from this region just north of Glasgow. First, check her out. She is fascinating and has a website and many publications. Second, in that rabbit hole I learned about Carbeth Hutters. They were a group of war veterans who made an indelible mark on this part of rural Scotland after they returned home, post WWI. This history or herstory (whichever you prefer) goes into designs coming from that region. The backstory is yet another layer of the Maker world I am embracing. Connecting myself to the specific history and parts of the world where my knitting and crocheting developed, makes me appreciate what I am working on and producing. Be it the Norwegians, Arnie and Carlos; The Danes, Knitting for Olive; American turned Dutchman, Stephen West or one of the many pattern makers you follow, there is a story there. Check it out! I think learning about the history of the craft is part of embracing being a Maker. At this time of year when we are full steam ahead on “making” for gift giving, it is no secret to any of us that our making skills are more and more irrelevant to supply our everyday needs. Time once spent producing food, clothing and shelter for survival can now be spent on the skills that excite us. We can pursue with gusto and share the fruits of our labor. If you are reading this you likely treasure knitting and crocheting. Whatever your typical approach to knitting and crocheting, I hope you will join me, even briefly, in an intentional mindset. Instead of making our craft an extension of our oft need to achieve and perfect, may we approach our craft with insight, patience and an understanding that the pursuit informs us of our history and connects us to humanity. Sure, we may get lucky once or twice and create a truly exceptional piece (that is a very sweet feeling). But today let us practice the craft without judges, score sheets, clocks, finish lines or medals, and instead dwell in the space that is the world of Making, space that fulfills our basic need to create. We can help with that! Join us at The Artful Yarn as you learn, connect and honor tradition and allow us to be a part of your craft. Just as our ancestors learned from each other and passed on skills, we teach and learn from each other. Our people have ample years of knowledge and know-how. We understand the backstory of knitting and crocheting to help inform your modern pursuits. Our circles, classes, yarns and tools are all thoughtfully designed and chosen to help you build your craft on your terms. We are looking forward to welcoming you to the shop. Favorite Yarn in the shop right now: I am liking the Andora, although I have not yet used it, it is on tap for when I make my next Carbeth Cardigan. Favorite “UnYarn”: Oh Gosh, that’s easy! The felted bags Outside of the shop: Just concentrating on getting that knee back into working order. I have to say I have been really touched by my friends who have visited, brought food and made my husband’s job of doing everything that I need two hands and two legs for a little easier. We are approaching my second anniversary of owning The Artful Yarn, which means I am TWO LYS years old! There has been a lot for me to learn in the last two years, as I’m sure there will be more to learn in the next few.
The things that I love best about owning The Artful Yarn:
We all know that the fiber community is a close knit one (see what I did there?). We “get” each other and the process of making. It brings us together to share. We are artists, and though none of the things I knit will ever end up in the Cleveland Museum of Art next to a Van Gogh, I do know that our fiber arts community will celebrate it just the same. Seeing the community come together here in our little shop in Chagrin Falls and help one another has made my heart full. Becoming owner and making fast friends who know each other’s names and support one another has been a fabulous and bonkers ride my first two years. Thank you for joining me. Stick around, we have so much more fun in store! Thank you for being a part of my community. Tiffany Favorite Yarn in the shop right now: Woolstok Prairie. I’m working on my 3rd project with this yarn since it was released in September, and it’s brought me joy each time. Favorite “UnYarn”: Woolly Wormhead’s Short-Row Colorwork Knitting book. Her patterns have been some of my favorite for a long time. This book has 50 stitch projects and 10 patterns that you can use as a template to add your favorite colorwork design to. Outside of the shop: Last week I started a linoleum block printmaking class at the Valley Art Center. We are making holiday cards. I love getting my hands dirty (for art projects) and am looking forward to getting inky with this one. |
AuthorTiffany Perry Archives
February 2025