Hi there! My name is Erin. Here's what's going on for me right now!
Have you ever found yourself in a crafting rut? Last year my knitting/crocheting/crafting motivation was at an all time low. In part from job stress, but a lot of it was being stuck in a cycle of the same types of projects on repeat. I've made lots of stuffed creatures, hats, cowls, shawls/wraps, and several blankets and as much as I was happy with the finished projects, it was getting tough to want to cast on unless I had something really special to work on. At that point in my knitting story I had also completed one vest and two baby sweaters and had a UFO cardigan that has been sleeveless for probably 2 or 3 years. The thought of starting and finishing an adult sized sweater on my own seemed not just scary, but impossible. My thoughts were kind of jumbled. What if I hate it? What if I never finish? What if I invested all this money and time into a sweater that I complete, but I HATE, or it doesn't fit, or I wash it wrong and ruin it? It seemed like such a risk and investment for something with a murky outcome at best. Fortunately for me, I don't just work at The Artful Yarn. Here, I have creative and supportive coworkers and a boss that challenged and encouraged me to push myself to try something new and cast on a major sweater project. Last summer, Tiffany, owner of The Artful Yarn, brought in a trunk show with Wonderland Yarns and I just fell in love with their Rainbows in the Gorge cardigan. But for me, this was an especially intimidating project. Not only was it a longer length cardigan, but it was in fingering weight yarn and on size 3 needles. Talk about a challenge! I have a mainly worsted weight and up, size 7 or bigger needle project history. Fortunately, Tiffany not only talked me into going for it, she helped me make sure my gauge and sizing and everything was right on track when I got started. I actually cast on in August 2023 and had the first arm almost completed before realizing I was not increasing correctly. I had to frog and restart. Despite that discouraging start, I kept at it. The rainbow cardigan regularly came to the shop with me where I could work on it and where I got encouragement (and accountability to finish) from both my coworkers and our fantastic shop community. Slowly but surely I got through it. In April, just in time for the change in our weather to 70+ degree days, I finished the collar and seamed the sides. It was definitely a challenge and a long and ambitious project, but having everyone at the shop at my back, helped me to keep at it and not get discouraged. Having help readily accessible when I got confused and fiber friends cheering me on as I went, definitely made the difference for me on this project. And now I'm on a sweater kick. I finished the Boneyard Sweethearts (Tellybean Knits) and the Luminos Tee (yamagara) this summer and just cast on another for the November Sweater. I'm so glad I stretched out of my comfort zone to try a new type of project and I'm so thankful for our community here at The Artful Yarn for the support to get it done! And you can too! Favorite yarn in the shop right now: Emma's Super Silky Favorite "unyarn" in the shop right now: Katrinkles stitch markers--the pasta shapes make me laugh every time I see them Hobby (other than fiber arts): Reading Comments are closed.
AuthorTiffany Perry Archives
February 2025