Help Us Help Others This Winter
We're asking our fiber friends to join us in providing hats, scarves or mittens that we can share with community members in need. Items can be knitted, crocheted, machine knitted or store-bought. Our 2023 effort was warmly embraced by all of you and we're doing it again this year!
UPDATE December 7: Our Best Helping Hats Results Ever! 156 Hats & More!
Thank you to everyone for their incredible generosity during this year's Helping Hats campaign! Our Goal was 75 hats. And we received an overwhelming response! Thanks to all of you, The Artful Yarn's fiber community will be donating 156 hats, 17 ear warmers, 9 scarves, 3 cowls and 3 pairs of gloves to partner organizations that requested support for people in need in their neighborhoods. Winters are long and cold in northeast Ohio. Thank you again for your generous donations! -Tiffany Perry, shop owner
Thank you to everyone for their incredible generosity during this year's Helping Hats campaign! Our Goal was 75 hats. And we received an overwhelming response! Thanks to all of you, The Artful Yarn's fiber community will be donating 156 hats, 17 ear warmers, 9 scarves, 3 cowls and 3 pairs of gloves to partner organizations that requested support for people in need in their neighborhoods. Winters are long and cold in northeast Ohio. Thank you again for your generous donations! -Tiffany Perry, shop owner
It's All About Hats We're asking the NEO crafting community to make and donate hats that will be distributed to local schools, organizations or charities that serve people in need in our local communities. Winters are long and cold in northeast Ohio. Warm outwear is incredibly important. We want to be a part of the good in our communities by providing warm hats for people in need. Our 2024 goal was 75 hats Hats Received by 12/7: 156 Last year over 60 hats were donated! Organizations receiving hats included the Thea Bowman Center in Cleveland, Cleveland Heights High School and Project Hope for the Homeless in Lake County. Deadline: Drop hats off at the The Artful Yarn on any work day by December 7, 2024 Please Note: Donated hats need to be machine-washable. You can use any design you want - simple, cabled, anything you want to do. And any size you want. As one of our fiber friends says, "There's always a head to fit a hat!" We couldn't agree more. We're also accepting new, store-bought hats! Thank you for being part of this effort! |
We're Looking for Organizations Do you know a local school, organization or charity that serves kids? Please let us know! We'd like to contact them about their interest in accepting donated hats from our Helping Hats effort. We'll deliver them or they can come to the shop to pick them up. Email us by clicking the link below. |